Saturday, October 30, 2010


Even though I don’t use podcasting normally, I am familiar with the term. When I received my first iPod podcasting was my favorite thing, because it was free and it automatically updated itself so there was something different every time. But after reading the text and doing research I learned podcasting is a form of Internet radio (Crismond, Howland, Jonassen, & Marra, 2008). Currently, in one of my class my teacher posts podcast for the class. I’ve listened to a couple of them, they have helped but I prefer face to face interaction. The way he use it is very beneficial because if you happen to miss a day in class the information is right there.
Podcasting and Web 2.0 are both tools that could be used and have a positive affect but they do have some differences. When I think of Web 2.0 I think more of socializing, but podcasting is more informative and Web 2.0 is more interacting. Also, podcasting can be access without using internet but the internet is required for Web 2.0. But they both can be accessed from the internet.
As I stated before I have an iPod and originally I did use the podcasting tool, but now I just use my iPod for music. I would use it for my class but I wouldn’t allow students to depend on it. It would just be the basic lecture. I believe online communication is definitely important and beneficial because it cuts down on cost and we basically live in a technology based world so I see it as mandatory learning to learn how to communicate online. But I believe if people start to depend on online communication it would and could cripple people because you would then begin to lose the ability to communicate face to face.

Crismond, D., Howland, J., Jonassen, D., Marra, R. M. (2008). Meaningful learning with technology. Columbus: Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.

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